
Jeonghyeun Chae
Graduate Research Assistant (2021 ~ )

Jeonghyeun Chae is a Ph.D. student in the ICM Lab. He majored in Architectural Engineering for his bachelor's degree at Yonsei University. He joined the ICM lab in 2018 as an undergraduate research assistant and conducted a research study about measuring the level of stress by using physiological sensors such as EEG and EDA. Currently, he is interested in human and psychological factors that can impact safety performance on construction sites. He loves to listen and compose music with groovy rhythm, delightful, and complicated melody.

Sang Eon Park
Graduate Research Assistant (2023  ~  )

Sang Eon Park is a master’s degree student in the ICM Lab. He majored in Architectural Engineering for his bachelor's degree at Dongguk University. Currently, he is interested in the modular construction and supply chain management for his research topic. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling and watching sports broadcasts.

Moobin Kim
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2022 Fall ~  )

Moobin Kim joined the ICM lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant in 2022. He is currently studying ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) in the construction industry. In his spare time, he enjoys taekwondo and traveling.

Hyeonju Wang
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2024 Spring ~  )

Hyeonju Wang joined the ICM lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the spring of 2024. He is currently interested in effective project delivery methods, particularly in Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer.


Wonkyoung Seo
M.S. and Ph.D. (Graduate School (2018 ~ 2023))

Current Affiliation: University of Seoul

Dissertation Title:

Improvement of the Construction Claim and Dispute Management from the Perspective of General Contractors

Kikang Jo
M.S. Course (Graduate School (2021 ~ 2023))

Current Affiliation: Republic of Korea Air Force

Thesis Title:

구조방정식 모델을 활용한 Caring(돌봄) 행동이 건설 현장에서의 근로자의 안전 행동에 미치는 영향

Hyunho Jung
M.S. Course (Graduate School (2020 ~ 2022))

Current Affiliation: SK EcoEngineering

Thesis Title:

다집단 분석을 사용한 건설현장 규모와 작업 위험도에 따른 근로자의 안전 행동 영향요인의 차이 분석

Julee Eom
M.S. Course (Graduate School (2019 ~ 2021))

Current Affiliation: Daewoo E&C

Thesis Title:

알루미늄 커튼월 공사에서의 문제점 및 건설참여자 간 견해 차이 분석 (Curtain Wall Construction: Issues and Different Perspectives among Project Stakeholders)

Myeongsik Jeon
M.S. Course (Graduate School of Engineering (2019 ~ 2021))

Current Affiliation: WSP

Thesis Title:

용역형 CM사의 책형 CM프로젝트 수행을 위한 역량도출에 관한 연구 (How to improve the competency of agency CM companies to conduct the CM at Risk projects?)

Sanguk Kim
M.S. Course (Graduate School of Engineering (2016 ~ 2018))

Thesis Title:

추가공사비 분쟁의 원인분석 및 해결방안에 관한 연구

Hyunbok Kim
M.S. Course (Graduate School of Engineering (2016 ~ 2018))

Thesis Title:

A Study on the Community Facilities Expansion for Improvement of Industrial Complex Decline 

(산업단지의 커뮤니티시설 실증분석에 따른 개선방안에 관한 연구)  

Jiwan Son
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2023 Spring)

Changwook Park
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2019 Fall)

Wonkyoung Seo
M.S. and Ph.D. (Graduate School (2018 - 2023))

Current Affiliation: University of Seoul

Dissertation Title:

Improvement of the Constructioin Claim and Dispute Management from the Perspective of General Contractors

Kikang Jo
M.S. Course (Graduate School (2021 - 2023))

Current Affiliation: Republic of Korea Air Force

Thesis Title:

구조방정식 모델을 활용한 Caring(돌봄) 행동이 건설 현장에서의 근로자의 안전 행동에 미치는 영향

Hyunho Jung
M.S. Course (Graduate School (2020 - 2022))

Current Affiliation: SK Eco Engineering 

Thesis Title:

다집단 분석을 사용한 건설현장 규모와 작업 위험도에 따른 근로자의 안전 행동 영향요인의 차이 분석

Julee Eom
M.S. Course (Graduate School (2019 - 2021))

Current Affiliation: Daewoo E&C

Thesis Title:

알루미늄 커튼월 공사에서의 문제점 및 건설참여자 간 견해 차이  분석 (Curtain Wall Construction: Issues and Different Perspectives among Project Stakeholders)

Myeongsik Jeon
M.S. Course (Graduate School of Engineering (2018 - 2021))

Current Affiliation: WSP 

Thesis Title: 

용역형 CM사의 책임형 CM프로젝트 수행을 위한 역량도출에 관한 연구 (How to improve the competency of agency CM companies to conduct the CM at Risk projects?)

Hyunbok Kim
M.S. Course (Graduate School of Engineering (2016 - 2018))

Thesis Title: 

A Study on the Community Facilities Expansion for Improvement of Industrial Complex Decline 

(산업단지의 커뮤니티시설 실증분석에 따른 개선방안에 관한 연구)

Sanguk Kim
M.S. Course (Graduate School of Engineering (2016 - 2018))

Thesis Title:

추가공사비 분쟁의 원인분석 및 해결방안에 관한 연구

Jiwan Son
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2023 Spring)

Changwook Park
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2019 Fall)

Boseok Choi
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2018 Fall - 2019 Spring)

Hyeokmin Kwon
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2018.4 - 2019.2)

Junhyung Park
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2018 Spring)

Jina Jeon
Undergraduate Research Assistant (2018 Fall)