Conference Paper

Journal Paper
39. “Auto-summarization for the Texts of Construction Dispute Precedents.” LINK
Seo, W. and Kang, Y. (2024). Proceedings of the 2024 Construction Research Congress, Des Moines, IW.
38. “The Mechanism of Construction Workers’ Intentional Unsafe Behavior: In Perspective of Theory of Planned Behavior” LINK
Chae, J. and Kang, Y. (2023). Proceedings of the 2023 KICEM Conference, South Korea.
37. “ESG in the Construction Industry: Quantitative Indicators and their Correlation with Financial Performance” LINK
Kim, M, Seo, W., and Kang, Y. (2023). Proceedings of the 2023 KICEM Conference, South Korea.
36. “Building Modular Construction: Key Risk Factors in the Planning Phase” LINK
 Park, S., Chae, J., and Kang, Y. (2023). Proceedings of the 2023 KICEM Conference, South Korea.
35. "Alert Fatigue Recognition Using the Electrodermal Activity Data"
Chae, J. and Kang, Y. (2022). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2022), Seoul, South Korea.
34. "How to measure alert fatigue by using physiological signals?" LINK
Chae, J. and Kang, Y. (2022), The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2022), Las Vegas, NV.
33. "Systematic literature review for the Application of artificial intelligence to the management of construction claims and disputes" LINK
Seo, W. and Kang, Y. (2022), The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2022), Las Vegas, NV.
32. (국문)"돌봄 행동이 근로자의 안전 행동에 미치는 영향" LINK
Jo, K. and Kang, Y. (2022), 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 (Annual Conference of AIK 2022), Vol.42(1), 470-473, Korea.
31. (국문)"건설 프로젝트의 복잡도와 발주 방식 - 통합 프로젝트 수행방식(Integrated Project Delivery)을 중심으로" LINK
Park, H. and Kang, Y. (2022), 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 (Annual Conference of AIK 2022), Vol.42(1), 623-626, Korea.
30. (국문)"건설회사 ESG등급과 재무제표 지표 간의 상관관계 연구" LINK
Jung, H. and Kang, Y. (2021), 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집 (KICEM 2021), Korea.
29. "Designing an Experiment to Measure the Alert Fatigue of Different Alarm Sounds Using the Physiological Signals" LINK
Chae, J. and Kang, Y.(2021), Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021), Dubai.
28. "Is safety climate different by project size and activity with different risk levels?" LINK
Jung, H. and Kang, Y.(2021), Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021), Dubai.
27. "Identifying Key Variables Explaining the Profit of Construction Companies from Financial Statement Data" LINK
Seo, W., Kim, B., Bang, S. and Kang, Y.(2021), Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando.
26. "Claim Management Process of General Contractors in South Korea" LINK
Seo, W. and Kang, Y.(2020), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hongkong.
25. "Measuring productivity improvement by Machine Guidance through work sampling in earthwork" LINK
Eom, J., Kang, Y., Lee, Y., and Choi, P. (2020), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hongkong.
24. "Relationship between Stress Level and Reworks for Construction Professionals" LINK
Chae, J. and Kang, Y. (2020), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hongkong.
23. "Construction Equipment Accidents by Time" LINK
Jung, H., Kang, Y. and Kang, S. (2020), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hongkong.
22. (국문) “금융위기가 건설기업의 부채 관련 의사결정과 이익에 미치는 영향"LINK
Seo, W., Kim, B., Bang, S. and Kang, Y. (2020), 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집 (KICEM 2020), Korea.
21. (국문) “주문제작(ETO) 외장공사의 문제점 - 건설 참여자들의 견해 차이에 대한 고찰"LINK
Eom, J. and Kang, Y. (2020), 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집 (KICEM 2020), Korea.
20. (국문) “대한민국 건설현장 내 외국인근로자에 대한 관리방안 현황 - 문화차이(Cultural Difference)에 대한 인식 관점으로"LINK
Chae, J. and Kang, Y. (2020), 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집 (KICEM 2020), Korea.
19. (국문) “건설공사의 규모와 작업 위험도에 따른 안전 분위기 및 안전 행동의 차이" LINK
Jung, H. and Kang, Y. (2020), 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집 (KICEM 2020), Korea.
18. (국문) “부재 겹침 저감과 자유로운 공간 구성을 위한 라멘 유닛 타입 모듈러 적층 방식 제안”LINK
Jung, H., Park, J, Park, C., Park, Ch., Yang, K., and Kang, Y. (2019), 한국건설관리학회 전국대학생학술발표대회 (KICEM 2019), Korea
17. (국문) “재작업과 스트레스의 관계 – 건설실무자들의 경우” LINK
Chae, J.and Kang, Y. (2019), 한국건설관리학회 전국대학생학술발표대회 (KICEM 2019), Korea
16. "Performance Indicators for the Claim Management Process of Construction Projects" LINK
Seo, W. and Kang, Y. (2019), Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2019), Atlanta, Goergia.
15. (국문) “건설클레임 관리업무 상의 업무일관성 측정에 대한 설문모형 제안" LINK
Seo, W. and Kang, Y. (2018), 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집 (KICEM 2018), Korea.
14. “Process Consistency and Performance in the Claim Management Process"
Seo, W. and Kang, Y. (2018), Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA 2018), Korea.
13. “What factors motivate construction workers to work safely?"
Kwon, H. and Kang, Y. (2018), Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA 2018), Korea.
12. “An Experiment on the Effect of the Use of Augmented Reality on Students' Quantity Take-off Performance" LINK
Suk, S., Ford, G., Kang, Y., Ahn, Y. (2017), Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2017), Taiwan.
11. “10-10 Project Campaign: 10 Input Measures Influencing Project Outcomes.”LINK
Choi, J., Kang, Y., Yun, S., Mulva, S., and Oliveira, D. (2015), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Busan, Republic of Korea.
10. “Cost Normalization Procedure for Phase-Based Performance Measurement.”LINK
Choi, J., Yun, S., Oliveira, D., Mulva, S., and Kang, Y. (2015), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Busan, Republic of Korea.
9. “A Multi-Perspective Assessment Method for Measuring Leading Indicators in Capital Project Benchmarking.” LINK
Choi, J., Yun, S., Mulva, S., Oliveira, D., and Kang, Y. (2015), Proceedings of the 5th International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
8. “The 10-10 Performance Assessment Campaign: New Theories Regarding the Benchmarking of Capital Project Performance.” LINK
Kang, Y., Dai, J., Mulva, S.P., and Choi, J. (2014), Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, GA.
7. “A Benchmarking Framework for Public Transportation Project Delivery.” LINK
Kang, Y., Dai, J., and Mulva, S.P. (2012), Proceedings of the 2012 Construction Research Congress, West Lafayette, IN.
6. “Cost Normalization for Global Capital Projects Benchmarking.” LINK
Dai, J., Mulva, S., Suk, S., and Kang, Y. (2012), Proceedings of the 2012 Construction Research Congress, West Lafayette, IN.
5. “A Dynamic and Context-Driven Benchmarking Framework for Zero-Net-Energy Buildings.” LINK
Kang, Y., Spiegelhalter, T., Pala, N., Zhu, Y., and Bhattarai, A. (2012), Proceedings of the 2012 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Clearwater Beach, FL.
4. “Diagnosing, Benchmarking and Transforming the LEED certified FIU-SIPA Building into a Net-Zero-Energy-Building (Net-ZEBs).” LINK
Spiegelhalter, T., Kang, Y., Pala, N., and Zhu, Y. (2012), Proceedings of the 2012 World Renewable Energy Forum, Denver, CO.
3. “Engineering Productivity Comparison: 2D. vs. 3D.” LINK
Kang, Y., Yun, S., Suk, S., Dai, J., and Mulva, S. (2011), Proceedings of the 2011 CSCE Annual General Meeting & Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
2. “Assessing the benefits and hindrances of information integration opportunities.” LINK
Kang, Y., O’Brien, W., and O’Connor, J. (2010), Proceedings of the ICCCBE2010, Nottingham, UK.
1. “Pullout of geosynthetic reinforcement with in-plane drainage capability.” LINK
Zornberg, J.G. and Kang, Y. (2005), Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE Geo-Frontiers, Austin, TX.ASCE Library